who we are
what we do
how we think
our experience
who we are
what we do
how we think
our experience
We're curious about a lot of things. Here are a few.
Lantern papers
Our in-depth analysis of topics and trends we believe are worthwhile exploring
Expo West 2024 Innovation Review
Expo West is not only the US’ biggest and most popular food and drink trade fair, but is also undoubtedly the most innovative in the world.
Innovation in the context of COVID-19
Main conclusions from the FMCG manufacturers and retailers report
The Green Revolution Portugal
Entendendo a expansão da onda Veggie
The Green Revolution 2019
Understanding the plant-based wave
see other papers
Latest articles
all articles
Innovation Pillars
Human insights and trends
Product design
Service design
Brand creation
B2B Services
B2C Services
Food & Beverages
Travel & Hospitality
Financial services
Os 10 principais produtos do Reino Unido: os novos desenvolvimentos dos produtos de grande consumo de 2024 premiado pela The Grocer's
Quisemos dar uma vista de olhos aos vencedores que mais nos chamaram a atenção. Este é o nosso top 10 de curiosidades do "New Product & Packaging Awards"
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Como é que os medicamentos GLP-1 estão a transformar a indústria alimentar?
Concebidos para tratar a diabetes de tipo 2, estes medicamentos tornaram-se ferramentas fundamentais para a perda de peso, transformando os hábitos alimentares de milhões de pessoas e obrigando a indústria alimentar e de bebidas a adaptar-se rapidamente.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Top 10 UK products: the new FMCG developments of 2024 awarded by The Grocer's
We wanted to review the winners that have caught our attention the most. This is our top 10 of curiosities from the ‘NewProduct & Packaging Awards’.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
How are GLP-1 drugs transforming the food industry?
These drugs have become key weight loss tools, transforming the eating habits of millions of people and forcing the food and beverage industry to adapt rapidly.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Gillardeau oysters: how to build a gastronomic luxury brand
How do you manage to create a brand out of aseafood product hidden under a rocky shell?
Brand creation and packaging design
Oct 2024
Interview with Andrew Arentowicz, CEO & Co-Founder of Both Burger
It is a luxury to be able to talk with Andrew Arentowicz, CEO & Co-Founder of Both, perhaps the most interesting meat hybrid startup of the moment.
Growth strategy
Sep 2024
What did we see at this year’s Expo West? Here are some key trends
This year, we headed over to sunny California to attend Expo West, one of the most innovative trade fairs around.
Human insights and trends
May 2024
Dissecting Nostalgia Marketing in the food industry: do consumers want reheated leftovers or a brand-new recipe?
Burger King can spectacularly return to its colourful 1990s logo.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2024
Como pode o sector dos lacticínios lidar com a disrupção que se avizinha?
Vimos o anúncio de Perfect Day, que acaba de lançar o primeiro leite não animal desenvolvido com fermentação de precisão.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Inovação aberta: como fazer as coisas corretamente?
Trabalhar com startups e investir nelas é já uma prática comum no sector alimentar, tal como noutros sectores.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Biodiversidade e marketing de produto agrícola
Uma homenagem ao produto e ao produtor agrícola, e também mostrar o potencial que estes produtos tem para construir marcas e histórias atrativas para os consumidores.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Bebidas e refrigerantes, a nova categoria hot
Overão aproxima-se, as temperaturas sobem e as esplanadas dos cafés estão cheias de pessoas que tentam refrescar-se com a sua bebida preferida.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Startup boost
É verdade que estas startups também precisam, em alguns casos, de apoio na definição da sua estratégia e proposta de valor, a fim de terem mais hipóteses de sucesso.
Growth strategy
Mar 2023
We interviewed Eric Armengou, CEO & WaterCreator of HAAN
A Spanish personal care startup with a purpose that keeps on growing
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Aesop arrives in Madrid with a differential beauty offer
Design, natural ingredients, sustainability; a special experience
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Is obesity the next pandemic?
Is our current food system creating the wrong incentives, thus encouraging unhealthy diets?
Innovation pillars
Jun 2022
Natural Products - Expo West 2022
A Glimpse of Natural Products Expo West
Innovation pillars
May 2022
Do you know about Food4Future?
Food4Future, the food-tech revolution
Human insights and trends
May 2022
Trends that are breaking into the sun protection category in the U.S.
A category in full bloom
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
We are in the Foodtech Era
Why are investors turning to FoodTech?
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Beauty and the tween segment
Beauty and wellness brands are approaching teens and tweens in new ways.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Barcelona Trend Map 2022
We have carefully crafted this Trend Map for you to unveil places we like in Barcelona.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Lab grown meat
A rising trend
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Frozen foods: a macro-trend with untapped potential
A natural category with great potential
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
FMCG: a future oriented towards providing services
A service-oriented future
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
Wine, sustainability and evolution of the business model
Did you know that the bottle is the biggest contributor to the wine industry’s carbon footprint?
Innovation pillars
Nov 2021
From health to wellnes
The time has come for a new narrative on health in the food industry; wellness
Human insights and trends
Nov 2021
Two digital brands showcasing the future of cosmetics
We analyse two digital native brands that stand out in the world of cosmetics to better understand their value proposition and formula for success.
Human insights and trends
Oct 2021
Innovation Survey of the FMCG industry, Food & Beverage report
The "Pulse of FMCG Innovation" report by LANTERN and IRI takes the pulse of senior executives from leading FMCG manufacturers, as well as Spain's leading retailers.
Growth strategy
Sep 2021
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
Previsões da EIT Food para o sul da Europa no setor agroalimentar
Em colaboração com a EIT Food, órgão focado na inovação alimentar, a Lantern elaborou um estudo sobre os efeitos do COVID-19 na indústria de alimentos no sul da Europa.
Human insights and trends
Feb 2021
EIT Food's agrifood forecasts for Southern Europe
In collaboration with EIT Food, the European Union's food innovation agency, Lantern has conducted a study on the effects of COVID-19 on the food industry in southern Europe.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2021
Plant-forward diets gain ground in Portugal
Vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian (plant-forward or veggie consumers) already account for 9% of the adult population in Portugal, a trend that is here to stay.
Human insights and trends
Jun 2020
Food startups in the "new normal"
Challenges and opportunities for food startups in the "new normal"
Innovation pillars
Jun 2020
There is so much left to redesign
Challenges that force us to bring out the best in ourselves and find new solutions and approaches.
Service design
Feb 2020
The Shark Fin model
and changes in the adoption of recent innovation.
Innovation pillars
Nov 2019
Using purpose to revitalize an iconic brand
Brand creation and packaging design
Nov 2019
Interview with Luke Saldanha and Pepe Biaggio, founders of Pink Albatross, an ice cream startup
Pink Albatross, the Plant-based ice cream made with, between 7 to 9 ingredients that we could all draw
Product design
Sep 2019
How to communicate your brand’s sustainability
Many advances in sustainability occur backstage where consumers can’t see them
Product design
Apr 2019
The needs of today’s sustainable consumers
81% of the world’s population is concerned with the sustainability of the products that they purchase
Human insights and trends
Apr 2019
We interview Sacha Michaud, co-founder of Glovo
How Glovo has become one of the most widely-used collaborative delivery apps
Service design
Dec 2018
Prototyping and Testing: What this hospital and the San Francisco Opera have in common
In order to fail quickly and cheaply, it is necessary to listen, adapt and repeat
Innovation pillars
Nov 2018
What is Design Thinking?
In one word, Design Thinking is a method... that allows us to solve problems with a user-focused approach
Innovation pillars
Oct 2018
‘Smart brands’: Building equity by ditching the “bells and whistles”
More and more brands today are opting for simplicity over seduction
Brand creation and packaging design
Sep 2018
Hitting the Innovation Accelerator
If you aren’t happy with your company's degree of innovation, the time to act is now
Innovation pillars
Jul 2018
Stretching your brand to acheive growth
Now that the crisis is behind us, many brands will be entering into new categories
Growth strategy
Apr 2018
The small brand revolution
Who is benefiting from improvements in the economy?
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
Suburban kids move to the city
Large chains are no longer only interested in industrial parks and shopping centres.
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
show more
Cómo puede afrontar el sector lácteo la disrupción que viene
Hemos visto el anuncio de Perfect Day, que acaba de sacar al mercado la primera leche no animal desarrollada con fermentación de precisión.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Innovación abierta, ¿cómo hacerlo bien?
En muchas ocasiones se ponen muchas esperanzas en que una startup va a ayudarnos a resolver nuestros problemas y será el germen de nuestro futuro crecimiento.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Biodiversidad y comercialización de productos agrícolas
Un homenaje al producto y al agricultor, para mostrar el potencial que tienen estos productos para construir marcas e historias.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Bebidas y refrescos la nueva categoría hot
Se acerca el verano, suben las temperaturas y las terrazas de los cafés se llenan de gente tratando de refrescarse con su bebida preferida.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Una Z en el Salón Gourmets
IFEMA acoge Salón Gourmets, la feria de Alimentación y Bebidas de Calidad
Human insights and trends
May 2023
Startup boost
Trabajar con startups e invertir en ellas ya es una práctica común en el sector de la alimentación como en otros.
Growth strategy
Mar 2023
Tour de Tendencias Madrid 2022
En Lantern somos curiosos y siempre andamos tras las últimas tendencias en alimentación y retail.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2022
Las 6 personalidades del packaging para Millennials y GenZ
¿Qué historias conectan mejor con los Millennials y GenZ?
Human insights and trends
Sep 2022
Miradas gastronómicas sobre el presente y futuro de la alimentación
Eneko Atxa, Diego Guerrero y Andoni Luis Aduriz representan 3 formas singulares de entender la cocina, la gastronomía y el entorno.
Innovation pillars
Sep 2022
Entrevistamos a Eric Armengou, CEO & WaterCreator de HAAN
Una startup española de cuidado personal con propósito que no para de crecer
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Aesop aterriza en Madrid con su propuesta de alta cosmética natural
Donde el diseño inteligente y sostenible son los grandes protagonistas junto con una experiencia sensorial única
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Lantern cumple 10 años
Estamos de celebración
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
¿Es la obesidad la próxima pandemia?
¿Está nuestro sistema alimentario actual creando incentivos equivocados, fomentando así dietas poco saludables?
Human insights and trends
Jun 2022
Feria de Productos Naturales "Expo West 2022"
Un vistazo a la feria "Natural Products Expo West 2022"
Human insights and trends
May 2022
¿Conoces Food4Future?
Food4Future, la revolución food-tech
Human insights and trends
May 2022
Las tendencias que irrumpen en la categoría de protección solar en EE.UU.
Una categoría en plena efervescencia
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Estamos en la era Foodtech
¿Por qué los inversionistas se están volcando en las FoodTech?
Innovation pillars
Apr 2022
La belleza y el segmento tween
Marcas de belleza y bienestar encuentran nuevas maneras de abordar el segmento adolescente.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Barcelona Trend Map 2022
Hemos elaborado cuidadosamente este mapa de tendencias para que descubras los lugares que nos gustan de Barcelona.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Carne de Laboratiorio
Una tendencia al alza
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Alimentos congelados: una Macrotendencia con un potencial sin explotar
Una categoría natural, con gran potencial
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
Gran Consumo; del Producto al Servicio
Un futuro orientado a proveer servicios
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
Vino, sostenibilidad y evolución del modelo de negocio
¿Sabías que la botella es la que más contribuye a la huella de carbono en la industria del vino?
Innovation pillars
Nov 2021
De la salud al bienestar
Ha llegado el momento de una nueva narrativa sobre la salud en la industria alimentaria; el bienestar
Human insights and trends
Nov 2021
Dos marcas digitales que muestran el futuro de la cosmética
Analizamos dos marcas nativas digitales que destacan en el mundo de la cosmética para entender mejor su propuesta de valor y fórmula de éxito.
Human insights and trends
Oct 2021
Pulso de la innovación en Gran Consumo
El informe "Pulso de la innovación en Gran Consumo", de LANTERN e IRI toma el pulso a grandes directivos de empresas fabricantes líderes de gran consumo, así como a los principales retailers de España.
Growth strategy
Sep 2021
¿Cómo podemos innovar en el sector lácteo pos-COVID?
Algunas de las tendencias que desde Lantern destacamos por su relevancia son: el ‘plant-based boom’, los productos ‘better for me’, el auge del snacking y el queso 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
El consumidor ya no siempre tiene la última palabra
Innovar nunca ha sido fácil. Requiere de un conjunto de herramientas y habilidades que son complejas de adquirir y gestionar. Pero cada vez es más complicado lograrlo.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
Previsiones de EIT Food para el sur de Europa en el sector agrifood
En colaboración con EIT Food, Lantern realiza un estudio sobre los efectos de la COVID-19 en la industria alimentaria del sur de Europa.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2021
Los portugueses también son veggies
Los veggies ya representan el 9% de la población adulta en Portugal, una tendencia que ha venido para quedarse
Human insights and trends
Jun 2020
Food Startups en la "Nueva Normalidad"
Retos y oportunidades de las Food Startups en la "nueva normalidad"
Innovation pillars
Jun 2020
Atlas de startups de alimentación y bebidas
Un estudio en el que mostramos el ecosistema de startups nacional e internacional del sector
Human insights and trends
Jun 2020
El fenómeno 'veggie': luces y sombras
Una mirada provocadora sobre la tendencia
Human insights and trends
Feb 2020
Queda tanto por rediseñar
Retos que nos fuerzan a sacar lo mejor de nosotros y a buscar nuevas soluciones y propuestas
Service design
Feb 2020
La aleta de tiburón
y los cambios en la adopción de las innovaciones
Innovation pillars
Nov 2019
El propósito como revitalizador de una marca icónica
Brand creation and packaging design
Nov 2019
Entrevista a Luke Saldanha y Pepe Biaggio, fundadores de Pink Albatross
El helado Plant-based elaborado con entre 7 y 9 ingredientes que todos podríamos dibujar.
Product design
Sep 2019
Cinco startups de alimentación y bebidas que darán que hablar
Son sólo cinco de las foodstartups recogidas en el Atlas de startups de alimentación y bebidas
Human insights and trends
Apr 2019
Cómo comunicar la sostenibilidad de tu marca
Muchas de las mejoras en sostenibilidad de las marcas ocurren tras bambalinas y con poca visibilidad
Product design
Nov 2018
Las necesidades del consumidor sostenible
El 81% de la población global se preocupa por la sostenibilidad de los productos que compra
Human insights and trends
Nov 2018
¿Qué es el Design Thinking?
En una palabra, el Design Thinking es una metodología... que permite solucionar problemas pensando en la persona
Innovation pillars
Oct 2018
Para crecer, prueba a estirar tu marca
Ahora que la crisis queda atrás, vamos a ver muchas marcas entrando en nuevas categorías
Growth strategy
Apr 2018
Blockchain en alimentación, más allá del intercambio monetario
Una vez más, la tecnología nos acerca un futuro utópico
Human insights and trends
Apr 2018
La realidad es que hoy lo digital es mainstream
Entrevistamos a Maite Fraile, Industry Head Branding de Google
Growth strategy
Mar 2018
Nutrición para una vida mejor
No quisimos perdernos la presentación del libro de Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, presidente emérito de Nestlé
Human insights and trends
Feb 2018
Máquinas sexis
¿Alguien sabe si algunos de estos productos van a continuar en el mercado?
Human insights and trends
Jan 2018
Desarrollo de la innovación en Gran Consumo, así no
Basado en un estudio Nielsen para Alimarket
Innovation pillars
Jan 2018
Los chicos de los suburbios se mudan a la ciudad
A las grandes cadenas han dejado de interesarles únicamente los polígonos y centros comerciales
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
La revolución de las pequeñas marcas
¿Quién se está beneficiando de las mejoras de la economía?
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
Desayuno-coloquio "Drink Revolution"
Revisión de innovaciones en el mundo de las bebidas no alcohólicas
Human insights and trends
Jul 2017
Top 5 en salud hiper-personalizada
Nuevos modelos de negocio en el mundo de la salud hiper-personalizada.
Product design
Jun 2017
La fuente que cautivó a los inventores de medio mundo
Las fuentes imprimen personalidad a sus ciudades
Growth strategy
May 2017
Viajero, así impacta imprimir tu billete electrónico
Más Smartphone y menos papel
Human insights and trends
Mar 2017
El poder colectivo controla el crowdsourcing en Uber
Cómo reaccionan las empresas crowd-based en el nuevo paisaje político
Growth strategy
Mar 2017
Entrevistamos a Sacha Michaud, co-fundador de Glovo
Cómo Glovo se ha convertido en una de las aplicaciones de mensajería colaborativa más utilizadas.
Service design
Mar 2017
The Green Revolution, entendiendo la revolución veggie
Este estudio trata de entender mejor a todos los que deciden colocar el reino vegetal en el centro de su dieta.
Human insights and trends
Feb 2017
Top 5 Noviembre. Pitches en South Summit 2016
Lo que más nos sorprendió del South Summit 2016
Human insights and trends
Nov 2016
¿Carne y leche sin vacas, qué te parece?
La innovación en alimentación. los alimentos desarrollados en laboratorio y lo que muchos están llamando ya la agricultura celular.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2016
El futuro del trabajo
Escenarios sobre hacia dónde se encamina la sociedad en un tema tan central en nuestras vidas como es el trabajo.
Human insights and trends
Jun 2016
Un Top 6: porque Japón lo vale
Las tendencias en el mundo del diseño y en el de la gastronomía.
Human insights and trends
Jun 2016
Diseño de Experiencia de Cliente
Mucha moda y mucho humo.
Service design
May 2016
Top 5 Mayo: hablamos de política
La participación ciudadana se digitaliza.
Human insights and trends
May 2016
La "última milla" del transporte individual
Un top 5 muy movido.
Product design
Mar 2016
Blurring the Lines
El top 5 de experiencias inmersivas de marca.
Growth strategy
Feb 2016
Propósitos de año nuevo
Impulsar la innovación (y cinco claves para hacerlo)
Innovation pillars
Jan 2016
Dame la lata
conservas que entran por los ojos.
Product design
Sep 2015
Café Comercial
Una 'love brand', pero de verdad
Human insights and trends
Sep 2015
Top 5 Febrero
Oportunidades para innovar en el diseño de experiencia de cliente
Service design
Feb 2015
Innovación, de la A a la Z
Innovation pillars
Feb 2015
La economía colaborativa también en los seguros
La economía colaborativa
Service design
Jan 2015
Dejando atrás los estereotipos
En el desarrollo de productos para seniors
Growth strategy
Jan 2015
Los envases del futuro
sostenibles, activos e inteligentes
Brand creation and packaging design
Nov 2014
Lantern top 5 octubre
las fintech muerden el segmento de banca personal
Human insights and trends
Oct 2014
Respeto al producto como modelo de negocio
Product design
Oct 2014
El tsunami sigue ahí:
Impresiones de Next Bank Europe
Human insights and trends
Oct 2014
TOP 5 Septiembre
Innovación de “Big FMCG”
Growth strategy
Sep 2014
Confesiones de un CEO vapuleado por una startup
Service design
Sep 2014
Del tiro al plato a energías renovables
Como una empresa de tiro al plato inspiro una patente en renovables
Product design
Jul 2014
La innovación sin control no sirve de nada
Innovation pillars
Jun 2014
Innovación africana
Innovación pura y real
Product design
Jun 2014
¿Por qué fracasamos más en situaciones nuevas?
Innovation pillars
Jun 2014
Top 5 Enero
Tecnología al servicio del consumidor
Product design
Sep 2013
show less
Is obesity the next pandemic?
Is our current food system creating the wrong incentives, thus encouraging unhealthy diets?
Innovation pillars
Jun 2022
Natural Products - Expo West 2022
A Glimpse of Natural Products Expo West
Innovation pillars
May 2022
Wine, sustainability and evolution of the business model
Did you know that the bottle is the biggest contributor to the wine industry’s carbon footprint?
Innovation pillars
Nov 2021
Food startups in the "new normal"
Challenges and opportunities for food startups in the "new normal"
Innovation pillars
Jun 2020
The Shark Fin model
and changes in the adoption of recent innovation.
Innovation pillars
Nov 2019
Prototyping and Testing: What this hospital and the San Francisco Opera have in common
In order to fail quickly and cheaply, it is necessary to listen, adapt and repeat
Innovation pillars
Nov 2018
What is Design Thinking?
In one word, Design Thinking is a method... that allows us to solve problems with a user-focused approach
Innovation pillars
Oct 2018
Hitting the Innovation Accelerator
If you aren’t happy with your company's degree of innovation, the time to act is now
Innovation pillars
Jul 2018
Os 10 principais produtos do Reino Unido: os novos desenvolvimentos dos produtos de grande consumo de 2024 premiado pela The Grocer's
Quisemos dar uma vista de olhos aos vencedores que mais nos chamaram a atenção. Este é o nosso top 10 de curiosidades do "New Product & Packaging Awards"
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Como é que os medicamentos GLP-1 estão a transformar a indústria alimentar?
Concebidos para tratar a diabetes de tipo 2, estes medicamentos tornaram-se ferramentas fundamentais para a perda de peso, transformando os hábitos alimentares de milhões de pessoas e obrigando a indústria alimentar e de bebidas a adaptar-se rapidamente.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Top 10 UK products: the new FMCG developments of 2024 awarded by The Grocer's
We wanted to review the winners that have caught our attention the most. This is our top 10 of curiosities from the ‘NewProduct & Packaging Awards’.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
How are GLP-1 drugs transforming the food industry?
These drugs have become key weight loss tools, transforming the eating habits of millions of people and forcing the food and beverage industry to adapt rapidly.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
What did we see at this year’s Expo West? Here are some key trends
This year, we headed over to sunny California to attend Expo West, one of the most innovative trade fairs around.
Human insights and trends
May 2024
Dissecting Nostalgia Marketing in the food industry: do consumers want reheated leftovers or a brand-new recipe?
Burger King can spectacularly return to its colourful 1990s logo.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2024
We interviewed Eric Armengou, CEO & WaterCreator of HAAN
A Spanish personal care startup with a purpose that keeps on growing
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Aesop arrives in Madrid with a differential beauty offer
Design, natural ingredients, sustainability; a special experience
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Do you know about Food4Future?
Food4Future, the food-tech revolution
Human insights and trends
May 2022
Trends that are breaking into the sun protection category in the U.S.
A category in full bloom
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
We are in the Foodtech Era
Why are investors turning to FoodTech?
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Beauty and the tween segment
Beauty and wellness brands are approaching teens and tweens in new ways.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Lab grown meat
A rising trend
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Barcelona Trend Map 2022
We have carefully crafted this Trend Map for you to unveil places we like in Barcelona.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Frozen foods: a macro-trend with untapped potential
A natural category with great potential
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
FMCG: a future oriented towards providing services
A service-oriented future
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
Two digital brands showcasing the future of cosmetics
We analyse two digital native brands that stand out in the world of cosmetics to better understand their value proposition and formula for success.
Human insights and trends
Oct 2021
From health to wellnes
The time has come for a new narrative on health in the food industry; wellness
Human insights and trends
Nov 2021
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
EIT Food's agrifood forecasts for Southern Europe
In collaboration with EIT Food, the European Union's food innovation agency, Lantern has conducted a study on the effects of COVID-19 on the food industry in southern Europe.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2021
Previsões da EIT Food para o sul da Europa no setor agroalimentar
Em colaboração com a EIT Food, órgão focado na inovação alimentar, a Lantern elaborou um estudo sobre os efeitos do COVID-19 na indústria de alimentos no sul da Europa.
Human insights and trends
Feb 2021
Plant-forward diets gain ground in Portugal
Vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian (plant-forward or veggie consumers) already account for 9% of the adult population in Portugal, a trend that is here to stay.
Human insights and trends
Jun 2020
The needs of today’s sustainable consumers
81% of the world’s population is concerned with the sustainability of the products that they purchase
Human insights and trends
Apr 2019
How to communicate your brand’s sustainability
Many advances in sustainability occur backstage where consumers can’t see them
Product design
Apr 2019
Interview with Luke Saldanha and Pepe Biaggio, founders of Pink Albatross, an ice cream startup
Pink Albatross, the Plant-based ice cream made with, between 7 to 9 ingredients that we could all draw
Product design
Sep 2019
There is so much left to redesign
Challenges that force us to bring out the best in ourselves and find new solutions and approaches.
Service design
Feb 2020
We interview Sacha Michaud, co-founder of Glovo
How Glovo has become one of the most widely-used collaborative delivery apps
Service design
Dec 2018
Gillardeau oysters: how to build a gastronomic luxury brand
How do you manage to create a brand out of aseafood product hidden under a rocky shell?
Brand creation and packaging design
Oct 2024
Using purpose to revitalize an iconic brand
Brand creation and packaging design
Nov 2019
‘Smart brands’: Building equity by ditching the “bells and whistles”
More and more brands today are opting for simplicity over seduction
Brand creation and packaging design
Sep 2018
Inovação aberta: como fazer as coisas corretamente?
Trabalhar com startups e investir nelas é já uma prática comum no sector alimentar, tal como noutros sectores.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
There is so much left to redesign
Challenges that force us to bring out the best in ourselves and find new solutions and approaches.
Service design
Feb 2020
What is Design Thinking?
In one word, Design Thinking is a method... that allows us to solve problems with a user-focused approach
Innovation pillars
Oct 2018
Prototyping and Testing: What this hospital and the San Francisco Opera have in common
In order to fail quickly and cheaply, it is necessary to listen, adapt and repeat
Innovation pillars
Nov 2018
We interview Sacha Michaud, co-founder of Glovo
How Glovo has become one of the most widely-used collaborative delivery apps
Service design
Dec 2018
Os 10 principais produtos do Reino Unido: os novos desenvolvimentos dos produtos de grande consumo de 2024 premiado pela The Grocer's
Quisemos dar uma vista de olhos aos vencedores que mais nos chamaram a atenção. Este é o nosso top 10 de curiosidades do "New Product & Packaging Awards"
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Como pode o sector dos lacticínios lidar com a disrupção que se avizinha?
Vimos o anúncio de Perfect Day, que acaba de lançar o primeiro leite não animal desenvolvido com fermentação de precisão.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Bebidas e refrigerantes, a nova categoria hot
Overão aproxima-se, as temperaturas sobem e as esplanadas dos cafés estão cheias de pessoas que tentam refrescar-se com a sua bebida preferida.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
We interviewed Eric Armengou, CEO & WaterCreator of HAAN
A Spanish personal care startup with a purpose that keeps on growing
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Aesop arrives in Madrid with a differential beauty offer
Design, natural ingredients, sustainability; a special experience
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Is obesity the next pandemic?
Is our current food system creating the wrong incentives, thus encouraging unhealthy diets?
Innovation pillars
Jun 2022
Trends that are breaking into the sun protection category in the U.S.
A category in full bloom
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Beauty and the tween segment
Beauty and wellness brands are approaching teens and tweens in new ways.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Frozen foods: a macro-trend with untapped potential
A natural category with great potential
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
FMCG: a future oriented towards providing services
A service-oriented future
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
Wine, sustainability and evolution of the business model
Did you know that the bottle is the biggest contributor to the wine industry’s carbon footprint?
Innovation pillars
Nov 2021
From health to wellnes
The time has come for a new narrative on health in the food industry; wellness
Human insights and trends
Nov 2021
Two digital brands showcasing the future of cosmetics
We analyse two digital native brands that stand out in the world of cosmetics to better understand their value proposition and formula for success.
Human insights and trends
Oct 2021
Innovation Survey of the FMCG industry, Food & Beverage report
The "Pulse of FMCG Innovation" report by LANTERN and IRI takes the pulse of senior executives from leading FMCG manufacturers, as well as Spain's leading retailers.
Growth strategy
Sep 2021
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
The Shark Fin model
and changes in the adoption of recent innovation.
Innovation pillars
Nov 2019
Stretching your brand to acheive growth
Now that the crisis is behind us, many brands will be entering into new categories
Growth strategy
Apr 2018
The small brand revolution
Who is benefiting from improvements in the economy?
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
Como é que os medicamentos GLP-1 estão a transformar a indústria alimentar?
Concebidos para tratar a diabetes de tipo 2, estes medicamentos tornaram-se ferramentas fundamentais para a perda de peso, transformando os hábitos alimentares de milhões de pessoas e obrigando a indústria alimentar e de bebidas a adaptar-se rapidamente.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
How are GLP-1 drugs transforming the food industry?
These drugs have become key weight loss tools, transforming the eating habits of millions of people and forcing the food and beverage industry to adapt rapidly.
Human insights and trends
Nov 2024
Interview with Andrew Arentowicz, CEO & Co-Founder of Both Burger
It is a luxury to be able to talk with Andrew Arentowicz, CEO & Co-Founder of Both, perhaps the most interesting meat hybrid startup of the moment.
Growth strategy
Sep 2024
What did we see at this year’s Expo West? Here are some key trends
This year, we headed over to sunny California to attend Expo West, one of the most innovative trade fairs around.
Human insights and trends
May 2024
Dissecting Nostalgia Marketing in the food industry: do consumers want reheated leftovers or a brand-new recipe?
Burger King can spectacularly return to its colourful 1990s logo.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2024
Como pode o sector dos lacticínios lidar com a disrupção que se avizinha?
Vimos o anúncio de Perfect Day, que acaba de lançar o primeiro leite não animal desenvolvido com fermentação de precisão.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Biodiversidade e marketing de produto agrícola
Uma homenagem ao produto e ao produtor agrícola, e também mostrar o potencial que estes produtos tem para construir marcas e histórias atrativas para os consumidores.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
Bebidas e refrigerantes, a nova categoria hot
Overão aproxima-se, as temperaturas sobem e as esplanadas dos cafés estão cheias de pessoas que tentam refrescar-se com a sua bebida preferida.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Is obesity the next pandemic?
Is our current food system creating the wrong incentives, thus encouraging unhealthy diets?
Innovation pillars
Jun 2022
Natural Products - Expo West 2022
A Glimpse of Natural Products Expo West
Innovation pillars
May 2022
Do you know about Food4Future?
Food4Future, the food-tech revolution
Human insights and trends
May 2022
We are in the Foodtech Era
Why are investors turning to FoodTech?
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Barcelona Trend Map 2022
We have carefully crafted this Trend Map for you to unveil places we like in Barcelona.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Lab grown meat
A rising trend
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Frozen foods: a macro-trend with untapped potential
A natural category with great potential
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
Wine, sustainability and evolution of the business model
Did you know that the bottle is the biggest contributor to the wine industry’s carbon footprint?
Innovation pillars
Nov 2021
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
Previsões da EIT Food para o sul da Europa no setor agroalimentar
Em colaboração com a EIT Food, órgão focado na inovação alimentar, a Lantern elaborou um estudo sobre os efeitos do COVID-19 na indústria de alimentos no sul da Europa.
Human insights and trends
Feb 2021
EIT Food's agrifood forecasts for Southern Europe
In collaboration with EIT Food, the European Union's food innovation agency, Lantern has conducted a study on the effects of COVID-19 on the food industry in southern Europe.
Human insights and trends
Jan 2021
Plant-forward diets gain ground in Portugal
Vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian (plant-forward or veggie consumers) already account for 9% of the adult population in Portugal, a trend that is here to stay.
Human insights and trends
Jun 2020
Food startups in the "new normal"
Challenges and opportunities for food startups in the "new normal"
Innovation pillars
Jun 2020
The Shark Fin model
and changes in the adoption of recent innovation.
Innovation pillars
Nov 2019
Using purpose to revitalize an iconic brand
Brand creation and packaging design
Nov 2019
Interview with Luke Saldanha and Pepe Biaggio, founders of Pink Albatross, an ice cream startup
Pink Albatross, the Plant-based ice cream made with, between 7 to 9 ingredients that we could all draw
Product design
Sep 2019
Hitting the Innovation Accelerator
If you aren’t happy with your company's degree of innovation, the time to act is now
Innovation pillars
Jul 2018
The small brand revolution
Who is benefiting from improvements in the economy?
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
We interviewed Eric Armengou, CEO & WaterCreator of HAAN
A Spanish personal care startup with a purpose that keeps on growing
Human insights and trends
Jul 14
Aesop arrives in Madrid with a differential beauty offer
Design, natural ingredients, sustainability; a special experience
Human insights and trends
Jul 12
Is obesity the next pandemic?
Is our current food system creating the wrong incentives, thus encouraging unhealthy diets?
Innovation pillars
Jun 1
Trends that are breaking into the sun protection category in the U.S.
A category in full bloom
Human insights and trends
Apr 29
Beauty and the tween segment
Beauty and wellness brands are approaching teens and tweens in new ways.
Human insights and trends
Mar 30
FMCG: a future oriented towards providing services
A service-oriented future
Human insights and trends
Jan 14
From health to wellnes
The time has come for a new narrative on health in the food industry; wellness
Human insights and trends
Nov 10
Two digital brands showcasing the future of cosmetics
We analyse two digital native brands that stand out in the world of cosmetics to better understand their value proposition and formula for success.
Human insights and trends
Oct 25
Inovação aberta: como fazer as coisas corretamente?
Trabalhar com startups e investir nelas é já uma prática comum no sector alimentar, tal como noutros sectores.
Growth strategy
Nov 2023
We interviewed Eric Armengou, CEO & WaterCreator of HAAN
A Spanish personal care startup with a purpose that keeps on growing
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Aesop arrives in Madrid with a differential beauty offer
Design, natural ingredients, sustainability; a special experience
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Trends that are breaking into the sun protection category in the U.S.
A category in full bloom
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Beauty and the tween segment
Beauty and wellness brands are approaching teens and tweens in new ways.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Barcelona Trend Map 2022
We have carefully crafted this Trend Map for you to unveil places we like in Barcelona.
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
Lab grown meat
A rising trend
Human insights and trends
Mar 2022
FMCG: a future oriented towards providing services
A service-oriented future
Human insights and trends
Jan 2022
From health to wellnes
The time has come for a new narrative on health in the food industry; wellness
Human insights and trends
Nov 2021
Two digital brands showcasing the future of cosmetics
We analyse two digital native brands that stand out in the world of cosmetics to better understand their value proposition and formula for success.
Human insights and trends
Oct 2021
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
Plant-forward diets gain ground in Portugal
Vegan, vegetarian, and flexitarian (plant-forward or veggie consumers) already account for 9% of the adult population in Portugal, a trend that is here to stay.
Human insights and trends
Jun 2020
There is so much left to redesign
Challenges that force us to bring out the best in ourselves and find new solutions and approaches.
Service design
Feb 2020
How to communicate your brand’s sustainability
Many advances in sustainability occur backstage where consumers can’t see them
Product design
Apr 2019
The needs of today’s sustainable consumers
81% of the world’s population is concerned with the sustainability of the products that they purchase
Human insights and trends
Apr 2019
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
‘Smart brands’: Building equity by ditching the “bells and whistles”
More and more brands today are opting for simplicity over seduction
Brand creation and packaging design
Sep 2018
Stretching your brand to acheive growth
Now that the crisis is behind us, many brands will be entering into new categories
Growth strategy
Apr 2018
Suburban kids move to the city
Large chains are no longer only interested in industrial parks and shopping centres.
Growth strategy
Sep 2017
Stretching your brand to acheive growth
Now that the crisis is behind us, many brands will be entering into new categories
Growth strategy
Apr 2018
Natural Products - Expo West 2022
A Glimpse of Natural Products Expo West
Innovation pillars
May 2022
Do you know about Food4Future?
Food4Future, the food-tech revolution
Human insights and trends
May 2022
We are in the Foodtech Era
Why are investors turning to FoodTech?
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
Two digital brands showcasing the future of cosmetics
We analyse two digital native brands that stand out in the world of cosmetics to better understand their value proposition and formula for success.
Human insights and trends
Oct 2021
At the moment we do not have articles related to this topic, please check our Spanish blog.
Startup boost
É verdade que estas startups também precisam, em alguns casos, de apoio na definição da sua estratégia e proposta de valor, a fim de terem mais hipóteses de sucesso.
Growth strategy
Mar 2023
A Lantern cumpre 10 anos
Estamos a comemorar
Human insights and trends
Jul 2022
Natural Products - Expo West 2022
A Glimpse of Natural Products Expo West
Innovation pillars
May 2022
Do you know about Food4Future?
Food4Future, the food-tech revolution
Human insights and trends
May 2022
We are in the Foodtech Era
Why are investors turning to FoodTech?
Human insights and trends
Apr 2022
How can we innovate in the post-pandemic dairy industry?
Some of the trends that Lantern highlights for their relevance are: the 'plant-based boom', 'better-for-me' products, the rise of snacking and cheese 2.0.
Human insights and trends
Sep 2021
Consumer no longer always has the last word
Innovation has never been easy. It requires a set of tools and skills that are complex to acquire and manage. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to achieve.
Human insights and trends
May 2021
Interview with Luke Saldanha and Pepe Biaggio, founders of Pink Albatross, an ice cream startup
Pink Albatross, the Plant-based ice cream made with, between 7 to 9 ingredients that we could all draw
Product design
Sep 2019
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